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How to Find the Right Data Sources for Venture Capital

As investors increasingly turn to data driven approaches, the choice of data becomes critical for sourcing founders at the earliest possibility. Leveraging the right data sources can provide key insights into emerging trends, potential founders, and startups.

How to Find the Right Data Sources for Venture Capital

In venture capital, sourcing and selecting to invest in the most promising early stage startups can be incredibly rewarding but equally, just as challenging.

“A normal early stage VC portfolio has about 80% failures (mainly flops), about 19% are deemed successes (mainly flips), and about 1% are home runs (mainly unicorns)”

-Dileep Rao, Forbes Article

Network referrals, founder’s inbounding, & events/conferences have been traditional methods for sourcing for VCs but as investors increasingly turn to data driven approaches, the choice of data becomes critical for sourcing founders at the earliest possibility. Timing can be the difference between getting access to a deal or getting left behind. Leveraging the right data sources can provide key insights into emerging trends, potential founders, and startups. However, the landscape of data sources especially at the early stage is vast and varied. 

Framework of Data Sources for Venture Capitalists

Social Media Platforms



✅ Real-time insights: social media provides real-time information on individual activities, trends, and company news

✅ Detailed professional information: these sites can offer comprehensive information such as career history, skills, and endorsements

✅ Founder Discovery: they are excellent for identifying individuals and following their digital footprints

✅ Trend Identification: monitoring trending topics and conversations within emerging sectors and popular topics

Endless scrolling: to identify the right individuals and companies

Algorithm-based feeds: present a bias of presenting trending topics based on the social media algorithm for engagement

❌ Lots of Noise: distinguishing between valuable signals and irrelevant information can be difficult without the right noise filtering.

Lots of time required: It takes hours of researching to build a watch list of relevant companies and founders for your investment thesis.

Financial and Investment Databases



✅ Comprehensive Startup Information: These databases provide detailed information on funding rounds, valuations, investors, and more.

✅ Historical Data: Access to past investment trends and performance metrics.

✅ Comparative Analysis: Allows for benchmarking against other startups and sectors.

Cost: Subscription fees can be high, particularly for smaller firms.

Data Latency: There can be delays in reporting new funding rounds and updates.

❌ Scope: May not provide adequate early-stage start up coverage

Alternative Data Sources (Web scraping, job postings, website/app usage data)



✅ Unique Insights: Alternative data can reveal trends and activities not captured by traditional sources.

✅ Early Indicators: Job postings and app usage can signal growth and expansion before official announcements.

✅ Customization: Data can be tailored to specific needs and parameters.

Complexity: Collecting and analyzing alternative data requires sophisticated tools and expertise.

❌ Legal and Ethical Issues: Ensuring compliance with data privacy laws and ethical standards is crucial.

❌ Data Quality: The reliability and accuracy of scraped data can vary.

News and Press Releases (TechCrunch, VentureBeat, Company Websites)



✅ Timeliness: News sources can provide the latest updates on company activities and market trends.

✅ Direct Information: Press releases often come directly from companies, offering accurate details.

✅ Context: Articles and reports can provide broader context and industry analysis.

Volume: The sheer volume of news & company websites can be challenging to sift through efficiently.

Bias: News outlets may have biases or incomplete information.

Delayed Information: By the time news is reported, it may already be widely known.

Landscape - the OS for Data Driven venture

While each data source offers valuable insights, the challenge lies in effectively consolidating and analyzing the data to make informed investment decisions. Landscape integrates from the widest array of alternative data sources, providing a comprehensive view of early stage signals. By leveraging advanced analytics and AI, we filter out the noise and highlight the most relevant signals for identifying potential founders and early-stage startups.

Key Features:

Data Integration: Seamlessly combines data from social media, professional networks, databases, alternative sources, and news outlets.

Data Freshness: Provides the earliest information and alerts on emerging trends and potential investment opportunities.

Customizable Signal Feeds: specific to your fund’s investment thesis.

Advanced AI Enrichment: Uses advanced AI to enrich and consolidate information to make quicker, informed decision-making.

User-Friendly Interface: Designed for ease of use, allowing investors to efficiently triage the top of the funnel deal flow for outreach.


Efficiency: Saves time by automating data collection and analysis.

Accuracy: Reduces the risk of missing key information or being misled by incomplete data.

Competitive Edge: Gain early access to founders that others may overlook.

Informed Decisions: Empowered to make data-driven investment choices with confidence.

In the fast-paced world of venture capital, having the right data sources is essential for identifying promising startups and making informed investment decisions. While each data source has its own strengths, a consolidated solution that integrates and analyzes data from multiple channels offers the most comprehensive and efficient approach. By leveraging our platform, venture capitalists can stay ahead of the curve, identifying potential founders and emerging trends with unparalleled accuracy and ease.